Laume Wildkey replied

602 weeks ago

今晩は。俺Laume Wildkeyです。アメリカに住んでいるの台湾人です。大学校にチャンスがあるから、日本語ご習った。今住んでいるの所がほどんどアメリカ人なので、中国語も、日本語も、練習の機会はない。 読むがまあまあです。書くのはちょっと遅い。それいいんなら、俺このLSアップライしたい。

俺の夫婦もアップライしたい。彼はひらがな読めるけど会話が無理です。名前はTryst Wildkey.


Aki Admin replied

602 weeks ago






I can speak English but in case you don't understand English I wrote in Japanese. Our main active time is late JP time (JST20:00 onwards) so I think if you are logging in from America you might be lonely. However, from early access we're open to anyone, all people who join are generally "guests" as a measure of character so please contact me in game for an invite sometime.

As a rule we don't tolerate people who stir trouble (borrowing without repaying, swindling, rash remarks, discrimination of any kind and the people who who like to "loot and scoot"; that being go to a raid, get said item and never help again.) these people will be declined from joining and/or kicked from the group.

I'm not saying this as a kind of threat, but I ask people who join to consider these things before joining as we're a close group of friends of over 10 years.

last edited 602 weeks ago by Aki

Laume Wildkey replied

602 weeks ago


Wow, my japanese isn't that bad after all. I understood most of what you wrote in japanese. It's almost 10pm here and my brains is tired from traveling so I'll write in english (my dominant language). The time difference is okay. I have a ls that's mostly american so that's not a problem.

I wish there was something I can provide that can show that we aren't people that cause troubles, but I can't. All I can say is, our general rule is this: we (my wife and I) go where we're wanted, not where we're needed. I suppose that's hard to understand if english isn't your dominant language now that I read it out loud. >.<

––––––––––––––––––-long explanation–––––––––––––––––––
Basically, she and I have played ffxi for many years. I started about half a month after official release and I play it still today. My wife played from around 2004 or so. We've met a lot of people that ask for our help, but weren't interested in doing their part for us to help them. (example: wanted us to help them get through mission 4-1, but wanted us to tell them what to do every step of the way, buy/get the stuff for them to get the key item, teleport them to the areas and then sneak/invis them to the very end.) Over the years, we've developed this policy. We will help people who are willing to put forth effort themselves. People who sincerely want to progress and are sincerely for the help.. We will not help those who obviously (obviously being the keyword.) are just trying to leech off of us, even if it's something they need to progress in the game. Hence, we go where we're wanted, not where we're needed.
––––––––––––––––––-long explanation–––––––––––––––––––

Oh, just so you know, my wife and I are pretty big into solo'ing/duo'ing content. So unless we just need extra bodies for a dungeon or something, we, most likely, won't be asking for much of anything. Between the 2 of us, we have just about every gathering and crafting class leveled. We both have dps's leveled and I have whm leveled. Heck, in ffxiv 1.23, we were the ones that gathered people together and got them through the quests so we can all get "to kill a raven" done. We did all the planning, gathering, research, brought other's up to where we were. Just the last fight alone took me a week's worth of planning. @.@ It ended with this guide:
(yes, I spent a night and wrote that. Even the diagrams I made)

Anyways, I'm rambling. We're self-sufficient, we most likely won't ask for help. The two of us have our own FC that's just the 2 of us so no worries about stealing from the FC coffers if you guys make one. We simply want to join to make friends and get a chance to practice japanese.

Aki Admin replied

602 weeks ago

Yes, your Japanese is understandable in parts, keep up the good work!

I'm not quite sure what your intentions are in the LS outside of just talking in Japanese (and to be honest you won't see much opportunity to do so if there's no one around. I might add also that the Japanese speakers communicate in our Japanese FC and that we generally only ever speak English in the LS (Japanese speakers come to practice English if ever)).

Seeing as you're also self-sufficient and play mostly with your partner I'm not entirely sure you're going to gain anything out of joining us (more so, we just won't be around as we're all JST players; so unless you play 4~8AM PST it'll be a pretty miserable experience).

Still, I encourage you to keep in touch in game; I'm always happy to help with translating or Japanese help.
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