My in-game name is Mia Muffins and this is a joint application for both my husband and I. I understand that you're in the process of forming a second coil group, but unfortunately, my job schedule does not allow me to commit to a fixed schedule. I'm a flight attendant and my roster varies from month to month. I do get a lot of days off though, on which I can play 24/7. As such, I'm not looking for a fixed spot on your coil groups, but am happy to fill in on either of the groups should anyone not be able to make the raid timing for some reason or other, because despite my schedule, I am still very much interested in progression. My reason for wanting to do coil is that I believe it is the only content currently that allows me to improve my game. Progression through in-game dungeons to me, is synonymous with personal progression as a player both in terms of gear as well as ability, which is why I am always eager for new and challenging content. I play WHM and SCH, both of which have full DL and relics (+1 for the WHM), and I am happy to play as either class to suit the raid's configuration. I have end-game healing experience in WoW in a US top 50 guild up till WotLK, and I bring my expertise with me. My SMN is geared in full DL and relic as well, and I do as good dps-wise as my gear level allows.
My husband's in-game name is Taki Teufel, and unlike me, he gets to play at any time and all the time. He plays a BRD which has AF2 gloves, rest DL pieces and gryphonskin accessories, and relic +1. He also has the relic and gear for MNK. Schedule-wise, he is a dependable player who shows up to raids. Ability-wise, well. He has the same end-game raiding experience as I do, and he always ranked 1 on DPS. For FFXIV, we know BRD can't be expected to out-DPS a good MNK or DRG, but he does good (IMO, but I'm his wife!). -.- Silences on time, ballads at the right time. He'll be a good fit for a coil group.
We both have experience till Coil 2 in FFXIV. We played FFXI on Bismarck since release till CoP, and participated extensively in end-game content till we quit. We were in one of the premier NA linkshells on our server at that time and well, killed everything that was killable then, and hammered futilely for hours at things that didn't seem killable. >.< We were young then and had a lot of time on our hands!
I'm gregarious and he's quiet. We're both extremely motivated players who want to up our game. We're looking for a linkshell that is progression-oriented yet filled with nice and friendly folks who want to have fun together. No bitching, no boasting and no drama please. If you think we'd be a good fit, please give me or Taki a tell in game. If there isn't an immediate response, it means we're AFK. Just reply to this thread then and we'll find a way to contact either of you guys. :)
Mia replied
590 weeks ago