In-game name: Yap Tap Class: Warrior Lodestone: If the Lodestone has issues loading, my character is in full Darklight with Bravura (will be +1 this week) Raiding experience: end-game content in WoW, Rift, and TERA Voice chat: have access to Teamspeak, Mumble, Raidcall, Ventrilo, and Skype
Personal information: I'm currently a 2nd year medical student studying in the United States who enjoys gaming after work. I speak English fluently but am unable to converse in Japanese and rely on an online translator to help communicate with JP friends. The weekend raid times fit very well into my busy schedule, and I would enjoy playing with talented people who want to progress through new content. I am also willing to help others grind out tomestones in AK/Castrum/Praetorium. Having geared up already, I am excited to step foot into Bahamut's Coil, and have been talking to several friends on NA servers who are currently on Turn 4. I have an extensive raiding history dating back to WoW and Rift and am always open to suggestions to improve my tanking and DPS. I enjoy min-maxing and pushing my gear to the limits while staying at forefront of progression.
You will can contact me via whisper on Yap Tap, as I will usually be online and alt-tabbed out on my computer.
Yaptap replied
598 weeks ago