Marlboro Light replied

591 weeks ago

1: Who you are (A couple of sentences of your background)

I'm currently a college student in Ohio, USA, looking to graduate soon. I will definitely play FF14 even after I get job (well hopefully I will get a job). I am not native English speaker, but I do speak English fluently and definitely will have no problem communicating with members during raid.

2: Your MMO Experiences (Any raiding experiences)

FF14 is the first MMO I ever played, but I played it since the release of the ver.1.0. I have some experience in raiding with my friends. Using mic during raids is no problem for me.

3: Why you want to join us

It was very hard to find a party for raiding as I cannot speak Japanese. For some reason, Japanese are very reluctant to invite foreigners and I barely get a chance to play Bahamut. I do use FFXIV app for instant translating so I do understand what they are saying in some extent, but most of the time they still don't want foreigners. It kinda feels sucks when I asked for invite and don't get a reply, but I could still see that person shouting for member.

I think Nocturne is a perfect fit for me not only because it is in Durandal, but also I can enjoy raiding with serious English based players.

4: Anything else you would like us to know.

Although I live in the States, I can follow JPN time. I usually wake up 5 in the morning to find players looking for Bahamut raids. Other than that, I should be available from 6pm EST (3pm PST) until we get the boss.

My main job is summoner, and white mage would be second. Other classes are in the progress of relic quests.

RELIC owned: SUM (+1), WHM, PLD, WAR, BLM <–– forgot to put this one
In progress: SCH
DL set: SUM, WHM, BLM <–– forgot to put this one
90 gear: SUM head, ears, wrist

last edited 591 weeks ago by Marlboro Light

Kyrs Isley replied

591 weeks ago

Hi Marlboro,

Thank you for taking the time to put in an application. I will talk with others and get back to you as soon as possible.

Just for your information, our first coil group is currently working on Turn 5, but our second coil group is still in the process of forming/recruiting. As of right now it is not ready to raid yet, because we haven't been able to find a steady group of 8 people. We do have some members who already expressed interested in both leading and participating in the 2nd Coil group.

Base on your information, is it safe to assume that you would prefer raiding in the Coil as SMN first, WHM second? As far as DPS goes, is there another alternative class you can play comfortably? Your preference will not affect our decision so please let me know without worrying.

Feel free to look for me in game if you have any further question.

Aki Admin replied

591 weeks ago

Link your lodestone character, please.

Marlboro Light replied

591 weeks ago

oh. I forgot to put blackmage. (have RELIC and DL)

I can play comfortably on any classes, but I prefer summoner solely because I have better gear. I've invested most of my mythologies on summoner, but if you are looking for different classes, I can change to others. However, it will take some time to get good gears and I just feel my DRG, BRD, MNK, are not ready for bahamut.
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