Aki Admin replied

604 weeks ago

Hello all.

Nocturne doesn't have any strict recruitment process as we're just a Linkshell, however, we have a few important rules which will determine whether or not you're right for us, or if you'll fit in.

Nocturne is functioning as the continuation of an 11 year old Linkshell that was created at the birth of FF11 in 2002. As a result we've got a very strong connection with our members and anyone who causes a rift will be dealt with swiftly. I understand that very few people come into groups with the intention to cause problems but as a general precaution I want to make that clear.

Nocturne, as a LS, offers no transitioning to a Free Company - While many of our members are together in a Japanese Free Company we cannot promise you will be given the same opportunity. This is because we are not in positions of power in said FC, and secondly because Free Companies are unique in that you may only hold one, and so we encourage members to seek one that suits their play-style best. This doesn't mean we can't or won't recommend you to the FC; only you're free to do as you please outside of the LS.

As Durandal server is located in Japan we generally expect our members to be able bodied in Japanese. This is not essential and you will not be ruled out if you can't communicate in Japanese, so don't fret.

We also encourage players to maintain good relations with other players, Japanese or English. Please be mindful of your actions as not to reflect badly upon us or the English speaking player base as a whole. If you are ever uncertain of something please feel free to ask.

We have no restrictions on what level players can join or who, providing you can communicate clearly in English, are well mannered and not a goat, we are happy to welcome you into our vintage family.

[Update 23/9/13:

For players seeking to join our Bahamut capture group please introduce yourself clearly and in detail, your experience with FFXIV/XI, age (approximate if you don't feel comfortable), language ability (日本語を理解できるべ?) and why you think you'll be a match for us. This is important for us to get an idea on who you are. Anything you think might help us get to know you will help.

Timezone differences can be built around but generally we are looking at playing from around 11PM PST onwards on Saturday night and again on Sunday (US time).

last edited 598 weeks ago by Aki

Kyrs Isley replied

591 weeks ago

Update: November 2nd, 2013

Nocturne is currently in the process of recruiting and organizing for a second Coil group.

As of right now, most of the members that have signed up for the second Coil group are based in the US and possibly some from the UK, which means it is very likely that the second group will be raiding on a more NA timezone friendly schedule. As stated in Aki's post, timezone differences can be worked around. Once all 8 members for the second group are finalized, we will work out a raid time that will fit everyone's schedule.

If you are interested, please submit an application via the Recruitment tab on the top of the website.

P.S. Please attach your lodestone character profile with your application. Thank you.

last edited 590 weeks ago by Kyrs Isley
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